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Strona: [1]
Wersja: Heroes V - Dzikie Hordy
Wielkość: XL - Bardzo Duza
Podziemia: Tak
Ilość graczy: wszystkich: 5 w tym jako ludzie: 1
Sojusze: 0
Język:   Angielski
Autor: Mike80D
Rozmiar pliku: 866.82 KB
Dodano: 09.09.2014 roku Pobrano: 2004 razy Zgłoś niedziałający link
Opis: The pendulum of sovereignty has swung too far in the direction of the humans. A mere two-hundred and fifty years have passed since the Titan gods, much to their regret, influenced the world by supporting the humans in their fight against the powerful Lord Necromancer. But now even the smallest infractions of human law are punishable by death, and local inquisitors have committed egregious crimes in the name of "justice". Slow but powerful to move, the Titans have once again intervened. With hording clans forming in the west, and other factions taking up their own banners, the time is now for you to determine your fate. Only the capture of Justicegate, the human capitol, will ensure victory
Strony: [1]